Have you locked in your dental coverage for 2025 yet? If you're considering new options for your oral health care due to a recent life change, you're not alone. Choosing a new dentist is a big decision that deserves thoughtful attention. It's important to find a dentist who not only manages your health effectively but also works alongside a friendly and supportive team that truly understands your unique needs.
That’s why we assembled this list of the 13 most important things to look for when choosing a dentist.
First things first
When you start your search, it can be tempting to dive right into online reviews. However, remember that each person's experience is distinct, and individuals leave reviews for various reasons. While reviews can be a helpful resource in your decision-making process, it's essential to begin with these four key criteria first:
- Choose a dentist in your network: Whether you currently have dental insurance or a discount dental plan, you will hands-down save the most money by choosing a dentist in your plan’s network. Utilize your plan’s online provider listings to narrow down your search right off the bat.
- Choose a dentist that is nearby: Consider the location of the dental office and whether it is easily accessible from your home, workplace, or school. A nearby dental practice can make it easier to fit appointments into your busy schedule.
- Choose a dentist with convenient office hours: Everyone’s schedule is different and 9-5 weekday hours don’t work for everyone. Check the office hours to ensure they align with your availability. If you work during regular business hours, a dentist offering evening or weekend appointments may be more accommodating. Finding a convenient location and flexible hours can contribute to a more positive overall experience.
- Choose a dentist that can handle your particular needs: If you or another member of your family has any special requirements, make sure you know up front that the dentist you choose can accommodate those needs. These can include:
- A particularly complex dental history
- Ongoing oral health treatment plans that the new dentist will need to take on
- Accessibility needs such as wheelchair access or another primary language
Screen your narrowed field
Once you have your future dentist narrowed to a few candidates, it is time to pick up the phone and get the answers to these questions:
- How soon is the next appointment? It’s important to find out how long you’ll need to wait to see your new dentist. While it’s normal for some offices to be booked out for a few months, if you need to wait more than six months to see your new dentist, you may want to look elsewhere to get care sooner. You can also inquire about how the office handles emergency dental needs or after-hours care.
- What can you expect from the initial visit? Your first visit to a new dentist should include more than a basic cleaning. Your new dentist should take the time to discuss your dental history, perform a thorough oral examination, take x-rays and do an inspection of any previously installed restorative work.
- How does the office handle payment? Although most practices are skilled in billing and servicing patients according to the rules of their plans, it’s in your best interests to confirm how payment works ahead of time. You may also want to ask about flexible payments and other financial considerations depending on your situation.
- How do the dentist and their staff stay up-to-date on current procedures? Qualified dentists and hygienists should be maintaining ongoing education through classes, seminars and trade shows to stay up-to-date on the latest tools, best practices and procedures in modern dental care.
Make an appointment
Congratulations! If you made it this far, you have probably found a dentist that might be a good fit for you and your family. Make your initial appointment and keep these four questions in mind during your visit:
- How does the office look and feel to you? A clean, orderly office environment says a lot about the people that work there. Is the waiting and reception area clean, well-lit and organized? How about the examination rooms and equipment? Do you feel relaxed, safe and comfortable?
- How does the office staff treat you? Pay attention to how they handle informing you of any changes or delays in your appointment time, how they operate in a busy environment and the level of care they provide to patients.
- How are you treated by the dentist and hygienist? It’s important for you to be comfortable with the professionals caring for your oral health. Are they asking questions and listening carefully to your answers? Are they taking the time to answer all your questions and alleviate concerns?
- How thorough of an examination did you receive? As mentioned earlier, an initial visit at a new dentist’s office should not be a quick, standard cleaning. It should be more involved, including a thorough examination so your new dentist can become familiar with your oral health history and current situation.
Are they a keeper?
After your initial appointment, take stock of everything you have learned and ask yourself this one last question:
- How comfortable are you with the idea of returning? The ultimate purpose of this exercise is to identify a qualified, professional dental provider that you are comfortable seeing at least twice a year. If there was something you didn’t like during your visit that would keep you from following through on your next appointment, consider trying a new dentist.
If you thought this list kind of sounded like screening a potential date, you’re not too far off! By asking questions and making observations, you’re going a long way to ensure you find your oral health soulmate. And if you are comfortable and happy with your chosen dentist, you will build a relationship that will help keep you healthy for a lifetime. And we just love happy endings.
The bottom line: Choosing the right dentist is a crucial step in maintaining your dental health. By considering these 13 factors, you can make an informed decision and find a dentist who will provide high-quality care and a positive experience. Investing time in this process can lead to long-term benefits for your oral health and overall well-being.