There are just as many tricks and tips for saving money as there are “experts” to offer suggestions. Most money saving recommendations are common sense for many people, while some ideas are aren’t very realistic or wise to carry out. However, some are impressively powerful recommendations that can combine smart money saving with other valuable benefits, such as improving your health.
When it comes to oral health, one of the best money saving tips you can put into practice right away is the use of a discount dental card program.
What is a discount dental card?
Unlike dental insurance plans, a discount dental card has no copays, no deductibles, and no benefit maximum limitations.
Instead, it’s a membership program that connects members with a list of participating providers who have agreed to offer significant discounts off the retail cost of standard and advanced dental services to plan members. These discounts can be as high as 50% off the normal price of a range of dental care and procedures.
What does a discount dental card cost?
"Unlike dental insurance plans, a discount dental card has no copays, no deductibles, and no benefit maximum limitations."
Monthly membership fees for a discount dental card program are generally far less than the monthly premiums required for dental insurance. In the case of the Dental Solutions card, an entire household can receive discounts for just $9.95 per month or a one-time annual fee of $109.
When you receive services from a participating dentist, the discount will be automatically applied, and you are responsible just for the remaining balance, so there are no “out of network benefits” or reimbursements required.
How can you qualify for a dental discount card?
Unlike most dental insurance programs, there are no qualification requirements, other than an address in the United States, for taking advantage of a dental discount program. Everyone, regardless of age, income, where you live, or what previous oral health conditions you’ve experienced, is approved for unlimited usage of a dental discount card.
Americans of every background and situation have been able to benefit from the significant savings available through a dental discount program. It's particularly useful for seniors and retirees on a fixed budget who do not have dental coverage through Medicare, employees without dental benefits, self-employed individuals, and 26-year-olds coming off of their parents' insurance.
What’s your next step?
Simply click the button below to learn more about how the Dental Solutions discount dental card program can work for you. To join now, simply click this link, and you will be brought to a simple form you can fill out for billing and identification purposes, and you’ll receive your card in the mail within just a few days, along with a list of participating providers you can choose from.
If you have any questions at all, we welcome you to contact us to learn more.